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Friday, July 31, 2009

Total Solar Eclipse 22 July 2009.

Everyday we introduced with several types of events in our general life. Some events are sorrowful; while some events are enjoy full and completely fulfill with Fun. Moreover of our daily general life few events are special and unprecedented which affected deeply to us; and this type of such events is Astonished, Unique and Mysterious. Last Week, in Wednesday, 22nd July 2009 we seen a Marvelous, Historical and Astronomical events on Sky; which had given us Thrill, Joy and excited Fun. Yes, this Astronomical event was Total Solar Eclipse, which visited and watched completely and wonderfully in Asia Continental along with India, China and Pacific Ocean. This Eclipse was longest and only single Total Solar Eclipse of the present Century. In the Revolving of this Total Solar Eclipse event the Swift growth in Temperature and Animal-Birds were suddenly deviated. Many different Scientist had come India from "Native and Foreign Lands" for Scientific studies of this amazing Astronomical succession incident.

Beautiful "Green Corona" During the Total Solar Eclipse